What's up to you all. I am extremely grateful for your great work over the years. I am an audio enigineer/Producer and I owe it to for enabling access to tools I otherwise couldn't have afforded without spending 6-12mths to find out it wasn't for me :S You got my support and if there's anything I could help out wit, don't hesitate to ask. I can't code but I'm good at designing photoshop documents, business cards, radio commercials, beats for rappers and directing music videos to name a few of my abilities. Some of my shit is on *****************/kevinbane & ***HASTINGSMP3S**** Anyways, thanks again and best of luck to you and yours. Cheers!
posted by Kevin Bouzane Chooch MagoofromCanadaon 26.09.21 12:06
Hello Team MPT,Please contact with WebScene Admins if you want refreshed upload credentials to repopulate your distro with your recent team releases.Best regards,